About Us

Bold. Sarcastic. Christian. Clothing.

The job of Spirit of Fear is to embolden believers and provide stylish, provocative, and often sarcastic conversation starters. We aim to bring more people into the Kingdom of God by strengthening His faithful and empowering them to take courageous steps.

We hope to encourage others to LOVINGLY push back against the current culture and the pervading SPIRIT OF FEAR.

Owner Mike Leonberger

Meet the Owner

Mike Leonberger

Mike was born and raised just outside of Vancouver, BC in 1983 to a Christian family. Brought up in church with faithful parents his relationship with Jesus has always played a strong role in his life (although not without his missteps and rebellions).

Mike has always enjoyed the outdoors and stayed active for his entire life. Now, as a husband and the father of 3 daughters and 3 more step children, his personal goal is to always be fit enough to outplay his children.

Mike is equal parts creative and business and has a desire to see the good news of Christ proclaimed BOLDLY.

Toss Out Fear park

Why we Started

Spirit of Fear

Spirit of Fear clothing came out of a time of life transition for Mike. After some rather drastic changes came along in his mid thirties he discovered a revitalized spark in his creativity and for Jesus. He was inspired by another Christian brand and the fact that he couldn't find any solid Christian brands out of Canada at the time.

The idea was there, but the heart of the brand didn't develop until 2020 when "worldwide events" showcased a timidity in the North American Christian Church. He was struck when listening to a podcast and both 2 Timothy 1:7 and 1 John 4:18 were discussed and he immediately knew the vision and direction to go with the brand. The name, mission, and Fear Spirit logo were all immediately formed in his mind and the process ever since has been to bring those ideas to the public so that people would be BOLD.

Spirit's Can't Skate longboarder

Why we're into

Action Sports

Spirit of Fear is a streetwear brand. We were started with the goal of creating a brand that anyone could wear because of the vibe, but would be unapologetically bold about Christianity. We had no intention of becoming an action sports brand, but the community has gravitated towards us. The sarcastic themes, the cheeky logo and the subversive name make for a great fit with those who like to push further than most. The boldness encouragement message has been well received.

Mike has always been peripheral to "extreme sports", skate, blade, bmx, and mountain biking to name a few, never truly diving deep into any of them but appreciating them all. The boldness and skill of the athletes in these and many other sports has always blown him away and now, with most of the love of his brand coming from the skate world, Mike has once again taken up skateboarding (however poorly).

Love God Love People ocean mountains

What's next

Our Future

It started as a single idea. Being boldly Christian. The future is massive. The easiest part is the dozens of future design ideas for T-shirts. Beyond that we have thoughts of unique recycled clothing projects, a 5 piece collection, and even a dress shirt. Skate decks, grip tape, and more.

We want to create a movement of boldness. To build a brand of boldness. We don't merely want to be selling shirts with Christians slogans like the generic T-shirt sites, but build a brand that people will buy because it's "cool" while never compromising on TRUTH. We aim to build a team and sponsor professional riders and events as well as support the up and comers.

We see a day when major riders of all sorts are prominently wearing Spirit of Fear gear while pulling off their latest death defying stunt.

Ultimately, we want all glory going to God and in this all we do BOLDLY point to Jesus Christ.